J31L - 2-for-1 Literature

How It Works: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) You receive 100 brochures! Buy a pack (50 brochures) or more of a single design... Use code J31L before 7/15/22! We ship your brochures to you! You leap for joy at all of the FREE brochures you get! *To get 2-For-1 pricing, you must use coupon code J31L by 7/15/22! To order, give us a call at 800-858-3040 and mention the coupon code, or go online to www.hh76.org and use the code at checkout.* Pay the 1 pack price: $24.50 and get brochures of the same design! 50 FREE Literature Can Make a Difference! Have you ever been in a situation where you really needed to show someone the truth, or give them valuable information, but didn’t know how, or didn’t have it on hand? Have you ever wanted to explain to a teen why sex before marriage can be harmful, or tried to show an abortion vulnerable client that her baby is, in fact, a precious human being? This is where literature can come in handy. With hundreds of different designs and topics to choose from, there is certainly something for everybody. Plus, literature is easy to carry with you, which makes it perfect for sidewalk counseling, or giving away to clients who come through your doors! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get everything you need to make a difference! Order online at www.hh76.org, or give us a call at 800-858-3040. Oh, and don’t forget to use code J31L when you check out! 2- for -1 L i terature Sa l e Ends Ju l y 15 . 2022 ! Use coupon code J31L to save ! 3